magazine // bloomberg businessweek covers
i've long been fascinated with images. there's something thrilling and visceral about seeing an iconic or poignant image. images are like works of art and symbols of visual culture that i curate and collect every day. and these snapshots continue to inspire and inform me beyond my first glance.
magazine covers often catch my attention with their juxtaposition of text, graphic design and photography. i've come across several different bloomberg businessweek covers that have really stuck with me. although this is a magazine i wouldn't typically pick up (it's a financial publication), i find the covers to be bold, ironic and clever. i like that they are visually stimulating and that they make me think (and sometimes laugh). now i need to sign up for a subscription!
some thoughts: i previously used this steve jobs cover in one of my collages and i dig this cover as well. interesting yet odd that my favorite covers came from 2011 and 2014.