runway // moschino's graffiti gowns // rtw fall 2015
moschino // rtw fall 2015
jeremy scott kills it every time. he's a genuine genius when it comes to high-low culture. these graffiti gowns from his recent moschino fall 2015 womenswear collection are so wonderful and weird. if only they were around when i went to the high school prom in 2007. the hello my name is sticker graphics are my favorite detail. a quote from his november 2014 interview with the cut's veronique hyland has stuck with me for awhile now, "i don’t really dissect too much when ideas come — they just kind of pop into my head, i just take them and run. i’ve always loved things that are [either] teeny-tiny or ginormous. like, a giant toothbrush: i always find humorous. i love all these things where proportions have been changed and altered." wise words.